juvenile coopers hawk in the grass The Saga
Rufous Hawk

Chapter 15


June 25:

Jay and I returned home late this evening, and Jay immediately noticed a problem. "That looks like a bird strike on our front window!" And, sure enough, there was an impact print of wings and a head on the window.


And on the ground below the window lay one of the young hawks! It was a female, no doubt the one who put on such a show for her sibling earlier this week. She was still alive.... in fact, she was quite alert and moving her head around, but she appeared to be unable to move the rest of her body. We carefully moved her out of the shrubs, where flies were already beginning to gather, and placed her in a box.

Injured Hawk

Saturday evening is not a good time to look for a doctor of any kind, but I was able to get in touch with a raptor rehabber licensed by Texas Parks and Wildlife. She recommended we keep the hawk in a safe place until morning. We then moved her to Susi's carrier, lined with newspapers, and secured her (from Susi) in the quiet of the linen closet.

June 26:

This morning, our patient was still alert but still not able to move her body. I transported her to Carolyn Brueggeman, the raptor rehabber, and left her in Ms. Brueggeman's capable hands. She plans to keep the little hawk hydrated and observe her for a few days. It is possible that she has a concussion and will revive. The outlook is not good, however; as it may be a spinal injury. Ms. Brueggeman sent me home with the assurance that she would not allow the little hawk to suffer, and would do everything for her that she could.

Be brave, little hawk...

June 29:

Today I learned the inevitable sad news from Ms. Brueggeman. The little hawk did not make it. After being hydrated and given time to recover, the hawk did not respond. Her body was paralyzed, and she did not have control of her head. To keep her from suffering any longer, she was humanely euthanized. Thank you, Ms. Brueggeman, for knowing what to do and for saving our little girl from further suffering and indignity.

Continue to Chapter 16: Brothers